Accessibilité web
L'accessibilité signifie que le contenu web tend à être universellement perceptible, utilisable, compréhensible, et ce, peu importe nos limitations physiologiques, cognitives ou même technologiques.
Suivre le fil
- Adrian Roselli [RSS]
- Bruce Lawson [RSS]
- Digital A11Y [RSS]
- Laboratoire de promotion de l'accessibilité [RSS]
- Laura Kalbag [RSS]
- Léonie Watson [RSS]
- Sara Soueidan [RSS]
- Steve Faulkner [RSS]
- TetraLogical [RSS]
- The A11Y project [RSS]
- WebAIM [RSS]
Suivre le guide
- Welcome to the Accessibility Developer Guide!
- Formation du Laboratoire de promotion de l'accessibilité
- Principes de Conception Inclusive
- A guide to designing accessible, WCAG-compliant focus indicators
- G201: Giving users advanced warning when opening a new window
- Keyboard Accessibility
Suivre le rythme
- How A Screen Reader User Surfs The Web
- Accessibility for Vestibular Disorders: How My Temporary Disability Changed My Perspective
- Learn to Create Accessible Websites with the Principles of Universal Design
- Factsheet on Persons with Disabilities
- WCAG 3.0: What you need to know about the future of accessibility standards
- Designing Inclusive Content Models
- Inclusive Design 24
- The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML
- Accessible design from the get-go
- Foundations: introduction to WAI-ARIA
- Writing great alt text: Emotion matters
- What the Heck Is Inclusive Design?