
The Climate Movement is Making a Huge Mistake

«Environmentalists are losing. Major indicators of global ecological health are heading in the wrong direction. From atmospheric carbon to species extinctions, chemical pollution load, biodiversity, acres of old-growth forest, size of oceanic deadzones, and extent of coral reefs, the news is bad.»


«Most environmentalism today isn’t about water, biodiversity, habitat destruction, or crossover issues such as environmental racism. It’s not even about stopping global warming directly by shutting down drilling rigs, pipelines, and refineries.»


«Rather, it’s about promoting electric vehicles, solar panels, wind turbines, and other forms of “green” technology.»


«Much of the reason that so-called “green technologies” like wind and solar energy and electric vehicles have become so popular among governments, corporations, and mainstream climate activists, is that they don’t represent any fundamental threat to the status quo. Energy, consumption, capital, economic growth — all can continue to flow.»


«Once upon a time, environmentalism was about saving wild beings and wild places from destruction… but something has gone terribly wrong… Mainstream environmentalists now overwhelmingly prioritize saving industrial civilization over saving life on the planet. The how and the why of this institutional capture is the subject for another book, but the capture is near total…»


«…one could easily be forgiven for concluding that much environmentalism has become a de facto lobbying arm of the solar industry. That’s a hell of a PR/marketing coup. And the blame shouldn’t go to individual protestors. They’re not the problem. The problem is that this is what capitalism does.»