
Capitalism Is A Planetary Pyramid Scheme

«The entire defence of capitalism is that it works, that it delivers wealth, but so do pyramid schemes. They work for a while, delivering wealth for a few, then they collapse. This is precisely what capitalism is doing to the entire Earth. Capitalism is bringing the whole planet down, and we're all left holding the bag.»


«[…] developed' countries are actually poor. If you subtract their assets minus their climate liabilities, they're worth less than nothing. Their wealth is in fact fraud, looted from the planet, stolen from other people, and borrowed against the future.»


«The idea that GDP wouldn’t just keep increasing is economic sacrilege (and economics is just a bad religion). They have prioritized endless growth (which does not benefit human beings after a point) over public goods.»


«The actual western development model is colonization, war, and debt peonage, but they've sold us some neoliberal bullshit that really just amounts to us doing all their work. So we stay on their passport plantations and make them richer, on the promise that we can move up the pyramid someday. But it’s all bullshit. We were given a check we cannot cash by people who were taking real cash and resources from us the whole time.»


«We are already setting into place chain-reactions that we cannot understand. The western development model never led anywhere except more money for them and doom for everyone else. They sold us the promise of refrigerators and new clothes and color TV, but we just ended up making those for them. What’s left for us is a hothouse Earth, poverty, and conflict.»


«We have yet to wake up, which is unfortunate because we're going to die in our sleep. The western development model was always this one simple dictum: fuck you, pay me.»


«We cannot follow these people. We cannot trust their endless data and reports and hand-wringing and guilt. Forget denial, even ‘well-meaning’ westerners will delay us to our death. They have turned our entire planet into a pyramid scheme and we have kick them out of power now. Climate change was caused by this rapacious global minority. It will not be solved by them. The global majority has to wake the fuck up and tip this pyramid over. The scheme is over. The bricks are coming down. We have to find our own way out.»