2023-08-27T14:57:06-04:00 Clean slate, tabula rasa, a new microblog file. 2023-08-27T15:09:56-04:00 I found an almost mummified mouse in my cold-storage room. 2023-08-27T15:27:58-04:00 I merged my .plan (finger) and twtxt.txt files. They now have the same purpose. Update: not true anymore. 2023-08-27T15:39:05-04:00 Received as gifts "Rose a l'ile" (ISBN: 9782897771478) and "1312 raisons d'abolir la police" (ISBN: 9782898330667). 2023-08-28T13:51:53-04:00 Making my first steps with Tcl (Tool Command Language). 2023-08-31T19:26:04-04:00 I dropped the "cf" keyboard encoding to the "us" one. It's good to have a keyboard layout that matches the keys. 2024-02-10T14:52:58-05:00 Hello there, hope you're going well! 2024-02-10T14:58:03-05:00 Quietly but surely, I am writing my first book of poetry. 2024-02-19T10:28:26-05:00 Doing my first baby steps with the ed text editor: gopher://katolaz.net/0/ed_tutorial.txt. 2024-02-20T13:14:39-05:00 This morning I wrote some poetry, and right now, I'm trying to learn seriously regular expressions. 2024-02-21T14:24:59-05:00 Resumed my Tcl online course at Udemy. 2024-02-22T21:09:32-05:00 I finally decided to change the default sshd port, in view of the constant connection attempts I was experiencing. 2024-02-23T10:35:12-05:00 I reinstalled toot, and reconfigured profanity for OMEMO. 2024-02-24T10:42:58-05:00 Yesterday, on my self-hosted web server, I gloriously and unintentionally deleted my entire www directory. 2024-02-24T10:45:59-05:00 Otherwise this morning, a lot of coffee during the upgrade to OpenBSD 7.4 for my HP Mini 110. 2024-02-26T12:20:10-05:00 Monday... Bloody monday! 2024-02-26T13:59:43-05:00 Now I've got spectrwm's baraction.sh working. I had to put the script in my $HOME. 2024-02-27T15:21:49-05:00 I installed Baikal to manage contacts and personal calendars. 2024-02-29T09:14:29-05:00